by 7BearSarah

I started off today feeling very homesick. I was missing everything from my parents, to my dog, to my bed even (trust me, you would too if you knew how comfortable it was). I cried a lot this morning. 

This afternoon, we decided to go to a local park and play a bit of casual tennis. I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. If anyone knows me well, they know that I'm awful at any kind of sport (except maybe Quidditch, but you get the point). 

I've been getting really close to one of the girls here. She's a bit older than be and we deal with a lot of the same issues so she took me under her wing a bit. I decided to go with her on a walk before dinner this evening. They really stress the importance of physical activity here, and I am not enjoying that aspect of treatment thus far (and that is putting it nicely). With all of the hills, I would definitely have constituted this as a short hike. It kicked my butt. My entire lower half burns and halfway through, I thought I was about the have a panic attack because I felt so uncomfortable. Fortunately, I powered through! My lower half still feels like it's on fire but, hey! At least I tried, right?

I'm actually pretty proud of myself. Even within the week that I've been here, I have come a long way from spending days at a time binge eating while watching Netflix. 

I'm still at the beginning of my journey, and it's just going to get harder, but I'm getting a head start. And that feels amazing!