this post is a follow-up to last night's.
I had a really rough night last night. I found that I was subconsciously abandoning my chores and my responsibilities. I deeply regret it now, but in the moment, I just wanted some peace. I eventually got in trouble (even though I got really defensive in the heat of the moment) for abandoning my post.
Today we had art therapy. I have dreaded this group due to the fact that the woman who teaches it isn't my favorite person to say the least. We were told to take a piece of paper and just draw circles of varying sizes. This is what is referred to as meditative drawing. Hopefully, I will be able to show you exactly what I did eventually. I sat there for forty minutes, mindlessly drawing circles until I realized that I had relinquished the anxiety that I walked into the art room with. I now have a new coping mechanism.
Thank you for understanding why I couldn't post for three weeks (I wanted to! Trust me!).
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